Board of Directors

Susan Abraham lives in Needham with her husband, Andrew, and their two children, Barrie and Brayden. She is a graduate of Tufts University and earned her Master of Business Administration from Boston University. She worked in the consulting industry with a focus on change management, corporate strategy, and organizational design. She also spent several years in the start-up .com space. Susan most recently spent 18 years in the wealth management industry leading major product development efforts for global financial service companies. She now applies her business skills and experience to strengthen and support the local Jewish nonprofit community.

She is an active member of CJP’s Women’s Philanthropy and member of the CJP Impact Grant Committee. At JF&CS, Susan is the chair of the Strategic Planning Committee and serves on the Development Committee and the Investment Committee. Susan and Andrew are active members of Temple Aliyah in Needham. Susan enjoys interior design, tennis, spinning, strength training, and spending time with her family.

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