Summer camp offers children countless benefits—the opportunity to explore their interests, learn new skills, and make new friends. However, the high cost of camp puts it out of reach for many families.
This summer, 84 children had the chance to enjoy camp thanks to awards totaling $46,000 from JF&CS's Arthur J. Neiterman Camp Scholarship Fund. All of these children come from low-income families receiving services from JF&CS, and many are survivors of domestic abuse. In addition to promoting personal growth, development, and self-esteem, camp provides much-needed respite for working parents.

“Both of my children have gone to camp for the first time in their lives, and they absolutely loved it… They have returned home more confident, independent, and eager to share what they learned. Your sponsorship has helped them build cherished memories and develop qualities that will benefit them throughout their lives.”
- Parent of a scholarship recipient