The JF&CS Memory Café is a welcoming gathering for people living with memory changes.

*Our memory cafés are sometimes held in person, and sometimes on Zoom.

The JF&CS Memory Café gathers people living with memory changes and their care partners and family members to enjoy themselves and relax in a community space with others with similar life experiences.

When: Monthly, contact us for dates! Usually held on the first Friday of the month.
10:00 a.m. - noon

Where: Either in person in Waltham or on Zoom.

Cost: There is no charge.

Registration: Please RSVP to Beth Soltzberg at or 781-693-5628 at least 2 business days in advance to receive the link or call-in number, or other details.

If you have any questions, please contact Beth Soltzberg at or 781-693-5628.

To enjoy recordings from some previous virtual JF&CS Memory Cafés, click here: JF&CS Memory Café YouTube Playlist