Our Services
The JF&CS Memory Café is a welcoming gathering for people living with memory changes.
*Our memory cafés are sometimes held in person, and sometimes on Zoom.
The JF&CS Memory Café gathers people living with memory changes and their care partners and family members to enjoy themselves and relax in a community space with others with similar life experiences.
When: Monthly, contact us for dates! Usually held on the first Friday of the month.
10:00 a.m. - noon
Where: Either in person in Waltham or on Zoom.
Cost: There is no charge.
Registration: Please RSVP to Beth Soltzberg at bsoltzberg@jfcsboston.org or 781-693-5628 at least 2 business days in advance to receive the link or call-in number, or other details.
If you have any questions, please contact Beth Soltzberg at bsoltzberg@jfcsboston.org or 781-693-5628.
To enjoy recordings from some previous virtual JF&CS Memory Cafés, click here: JF&CS Memory Café YouTube Playlist
Get support
This free service is staffed by eldercare professionals who will connect you with the resources and expert advice you need.
Aging Life Care Management
Your Elder Experts
Your Elder Experts is a team of caring professionals who guide older adults and their families through the complexities and challenges of aging well.