Parenting a teenager is hard. But you don’t have to go it alone.

Join us at JF&CS for a free public workshop series exploring crucial issues impacting the mental health of teens, tweens, and families. You’ll have the opportunity to hear from leading experts while connecting with other parents and caregivers and discovering resources available to you from JF&CS and beyond.


When Adolescent Pressure and Stress Become Too Much

How do you know when a young person is dealing with normal adolescent angst or something more? Learn how youth experience and respond to stress, worries, anxiety, and other difficult emotions at this workshop and come away with tools for how to be an effective source of support.

Tuesday, February 27, 6:30-8 p.m. 
1430 Main Street, Waltham

This event has passed.

The Power of an Affirming Adult: How You Can Support Trans and LGBQ+ Youth Mental Wellness

A panel discussion with leading experts on youth development, gender-affirming care, gender identity, and community resources for LGBTQ+ young people.

Thursday, April 11, 6:30-8 p.m.
1430 Main Street, Waltham

This event has passed.

Growing Up in Public: Milestones of Growing Up in the Digital Age

Kids are growing up in a hyper-connected world. From Roblox to Instagram, from YouTube and TikTok to Discord. Gain parenting strategies for mentoring kids in our always-connected world.

Wednesday, May 1, 6:30-8 p.m.

This event has passed.


Attendance is free and open to the public, and is appropriate for parents and caregivers of teens/tweens, professionals, educators, and other caring adults. A donation of $18/person is suggested but not required. Please register separately for each event you would like to attend.

The first 100 people to register for the No One Alone series will receive a free copy of Growing Up in Public: Coming of Age in a Digital World by Devorah Heitner, the speaker at our third workshop.


JF&CS prioritizes access to its programs and activities for persons with all abilities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact us at 781-647-5327 or in advance of your participation or visit.

Requests for American Sign Language interpreters should be made at least two weeks prior to the scheduled program, if possible. *Additional language interpretation services will also be provided for requests made at least two weeks in advance. Indicate your interpretation needs on your registration form.

*(Spanish) También se proporcionarán servicios adicionales de interpretación de idiomas para solicitudes realizadas con al menos dos semanas de anticipación. Indique sus necesidades de interpretación en su formulario de registro.

*(Russian) Дополнительные услуги лингвистического перевода также будут предоставлены по запросам, сделанным не менее чем за две недели. Укажите свои потребности в устном переводе в регистрационной форме.

*(Portuguese) Serviços adicionais de interpretação de idiomas também serão fornecidos para solicitações feitas com pelo menos duas semanas de antecedência. Indique suas necessidades de interpretação em seu formulário de inscrição.

Please note that JF&CS will make every effort to secure interpretation services but that services are subject to availability.


The No One Alone workshop series is cosponsored by JF&CS and Gateways: Access to Jewish Education. Funding provided by the Ronald G. Casty Family Foundation, the Frieze Family Foundation, Steve and Stephanie Kasok, and the Ruderman Family Foundation. JF&CS gratefully acknowledges the efforts of the JF&CS Youth Mental Health Task Force in making this series a reality.

Nicole Casty Vignati

Nicole Clark

Morea Cutler

Danielle Darish

Jennifer Drucker

Gayle Dublin

Michelle Feinberg

Diana Gaffin

Heather Ganitsky

Natalie Gornstein

Michelle Hoffman

Debbie Kadish

Caroline Kaufman

Amy Krentzman

Hope Suttin

Lena Voloshin

Susan Wilk