Our free support groups provide safe and nurturing spaces for parents with their babies to give and receive support, ask questions, and begin building a parent community.

All of our groups and services are nonsectarian and open to all parents in the community.

What We Do

Our facilitated groups provide:

What You Need to Know

Our weekly drop-in groups are:

Please check if your group is meeting during the holidays.

Download this flyer for information on all of our groups.

Drop-in Support Groups

Weekly Support Groups for Parents of Newborns

For parents of babies under the age of one. In-person meetings in Arlington, Brookline, Cambridge, Jamaica Plain, Sharon, and Watertown, plus a virtual group for parents in the Boston area.

Spanish-Speaking Support Group

Support group for Spanish speakers // Grupo de apoyo para hispanohablantes

Pregnancy Support Group

This group is currently on hiatus.

Parents of Toddlers Support Group

For parents with children who are 1-3 years old.

New Adoptive Parents Support Group

Come share the unique experiences of parenting a child through adoption. Open to parents and babies under one year old.

Fragile Beginnings Support Group

For parents whose babies have spent time in the NICU, an opportunity to connect with other parents who have shared similar experiences and concerns.

We also offer more intensive therapeutic and clinical group services:

“This Isn’t What I Expected”: Navigating Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and Other Emotional Complications

Mothering Without a Model

Mothering After Mother Loss

Circle of Security Parenting

Learn More

For more information, please contact Leslie Pucker at lpucker@jfcsboston.org.