<p>Join the <a href="http://www.vilnashul.org/events/event/DYF_Sept2016" target="_blank">Vilna Shul</a> in partnership with JF&CS for a relaxed and delicious kosher buffet dinner while meeting other families. Dinner is followed by spirited lay-lead singing in the Vilna Shul's historic sanctuary and an interactive tzedakah project. Kids will be making washcloth cupcakes for families receiving assistance from Jewish Family & Children's Service. Participants are also asked to bring a donation of diapers, as diapers are desperately needed by the agency to assist new mothers. After dinner, havdalah, and tzedakah, families can head over to the Myrtle Street Playground to continue the evening (weather depending). </p>
<p><strong>When:</strong> Saturday, September 17<br />
5:00 - 7:30 p.m.</p>
<p><strong>Where:</strong> The Vilna Shul<br />
18 Phillips Street, Boston</p>
<p><strong>Cost:</strong> $36/family, includes dinner.</p>
<span style="color: #666666;">
<p><span style="color: #666666;">For detailed directions to the Vilna, <a href="http://www.vilnashul.org/about/location" target="_blank">visit their website</a>. For more information, email <a href="mailto:events@vilnashul.org">events@vilnashul.org</a></span><span style="color: #666666;"> or call 617-523-2324.</span></p>
<p><strong>Vilna’s Young Families Committee Chairs<br />
</strong>Liza Schneiderman<br />
Lori Sidman<br />
Robyn Riseberg, MD</p>
<strong>Vilna’s Young Families Committee</strong><br />
<p>Abby Fierman & Mike Grossman<br />
Margi Gad & Daniel Bley<br />
Claudia Granville<br />
Rebecca Koenigsberg & Ron Hibshoosh<br />
Aliza & Judson Samuels<br />
Aliza & Matthew Schneller<br />
Geraldine & Gabe Sunshine<br />
Rachel Swanson<br />
Nicole Zatlyn & Jason Weiner<br />
Ilana Braun & Jed Weiss</p>