<p>Join co-chairs Danielle Darish, Rachel Glazer, and Jill Kramer for this free event: create Passover-themed arts and crafts projects that will be given to older adults at the annual JF&CS Passover Seder.</p>
<p><strong>When:</strong> Sunday, March 13<br />
<strong>3:00 - 4:30 p.m.</strong></p>
<p><strong>Where:</strong> JF&CS Headquarters<br />
1430 Main Street, Waltham</p>
<p><em>Activities are geared towards children 10 and younger, but we invite your whole family to attend. You and your family are also welcome to join us to distribute these gifts at the JF&CS Passover Seder on Sunday, April 17.</em></p>
<p>To RSVP, please contact Raquel Morales at <a href="mailto:events@jfcsboston.org" class="ApplyClass">events@jfcsboston.org</a> or 781-693-5036 by March 9, 2016.</p>