What does it mean to be truly adoptee-centered?

Of course you want to be at your best in your sacred role as an adoptive parent. But much of the information available in our culture is old and outdated, and permeates everything people “know” about adoption in ways both obvious and subtle. What do you need to know instead, and what must you cultivate within yourself through the long arc of parenting? By hearing from people familiar with all different aspects of the adoption journey you will learn how to be a truly adoptee-centered parent through all the ages and stages.
Presented by adoptee Sara Easterly, birth parent Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard, and adoptive parent Lori Holden, authors of Adoption Unfiltered: Revelations from Adoptees, Birth Parents, Adoptive Parents, and Allies. Collectively, they bring 75 years of lived experience relating to adoption, and span the Millennial, Gen X, and Baby Boomer generations. They understand the history, challenges, and trends experienced by people living in adoption and the broader adoption constellation, and they are recognized throughout the adoption community as thought leaders, influencers, and bridge-builders.
Cost: $40 per Adoptive Family.
Contact Michelle Kahan, michellekahan@jfcsboston.org, to register or with any questions.
This workshop is for adoptive parents and pre-adoptive parents. This workshop provides two hours of pre-adoption training. Certificates are available upon request.