Steve's Music and Movement program will lead participants in joyful movement accompanied by live music.

The JF&CS Memory Café is a free monthly welcoming gathering for people living with changes in their memory or thinking, and those who care about them.
This month, Steve's Music and Movement program brings the joy and power of music via live entertainment (guitar and voice) and chair-based movement/exercise. An eclectic mix of live and recorded music will fill the air, and participants are welcomed to join however they wish—whether tapping toes, singing along, or simply witnessing the joy of their community.
This event is free of charge. Donations gratefully accepted.
Please RSVP to Jessica Roque at or 781-693-5628 at least 24 hours in advance.
JF&CS Memory Café is brought to you in collaboration with the Waltham Student Group at Brandeis University. We gratefully acknowledge the support of Assisting Hands Home Care. To learn about other memory cafés in our region, visit