Shared by Isabel Lopez
What is your role at JF&CS?
I'm a Family Support Partner in Early Connections/Conexiones Tempranas (ECCT), in CERS. Our program provides clinical and support services to address traumatic stress and build resilience in children ages birth to five and their families.
I work with families in Waltham, MA. My main goal is to welcome families to ECCT and help them access community resources, enhance parenting skills, navigate community agencies, and empower them to advocate effectively for themselves. My work every day inspires me to work with more enthusiasm for each family.
What is your favorite travel spot?
My favorite spot is Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic.
Do you have a favorite quote? If so, what is it?
My favorite quote is "Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day" by Paulo Coelho.
What is your favorite thing to do?
I love to play volleyball.
What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years?
In the last five years I have learned how to be patient.