How'd you get involved with JF&CS Family Table?
I grew up in the Boston area, so I started volunteering as a young child through my synagogue collecting cereal and peanut butter. Now, as an adult, I've reconnected with Family Table and found it immensely rewarding. It helps that my office is less than a mile away from JF&CS Headquarters.
Why did you decide to ride in the Ride for Food?
By participating in the Ride for Food, I get to help promote the work that JF&CS Family Table does within my community. I'm not sure how many people understand the breadth and scope of what Family Table offers their clients. With innovation and compassion, JF&CS Family Table accomplishes so much and I am excited to share the work they do with my friends and family as I ask for donations. Also, I love to ride my bike, so this felt like a perfect fit!
What's your strongest JF&CS Family Table memory?
I love volunteering at Marketplace, I usually stand by the produce section and get to exchange cooking techniques with clients and chat about which local farms donated produce that month. I learned a fantastic recipe for Russian stuffed peppers that reminds me of something my grandmother used to make.
Tell us about some of the other agencies you volunteer or work with.
I am very passionate about outdoor education and volunteer with Girl Scouts and the Student Conservation Association when I get the chance.
What's your favorite food?
That is a tough one, but lately it has been all of the fresh peaches this summer.