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From Gail's Desk

Gail Schulman, JF&CS CEO

Update from the most recent edition of the 
Making Connections newsletter


July 1, 2024


Dear Friends,

Like many of you, I’m looking forward to the change of pace that summer brings. And yet, for our work at JF&CS, I’m all too aware that summer presents its own challenges.

For families with children, the end of the school year brings the disruption of familiar routines and the loss of supports like the school social worker. Additional expenses, such as for childcare, pile up.

Those well past school age face challenges too. As family members and neighbors make summer plans, isolation can become an unexpected problem for older adults.

We are here for the community all summer long. Human problems don’t disappear during the summer, and neither do we. We’re hosting parent support groups and Memory Cafés, our day program and residential programs for adults with disabilities are in full swing, and much more.

This is a time of year when we sometimes see fewer volunteers. Please know that we need you more than ever, especially at Family Table.

If you want to get a peek of life at JF&CS over the summer, please read on—or, better yet, come by and volunteer!

Gail Schulman

Chief Executive Officer


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