The JF&CS Memory Café Percolator shares free information and tools to make it easier for organizations and individuals to start and sustain their own memory café.

Memory Café PSA
Memory Café PSA
Memory Café PSA


Memory cafés, also called Alzheimer’s cafés, are welcoming social gatherings for people living with dementia and their family members, friends, and professional caregivers. Dr. Bere Miesen started the first café in Holland in 1997, and since then they have spread as a social movement throughout many countries. Cafés meet in many types of locations, such as libraries, community centers, restaurants, and houses of worship. Cafés should fit the interests, needs, language, and culture of their local community, so each café is unique. Their main purpose is to provide a welcoming, stigma-free social setting where people living with dementia and their care partners can meet others and enjoy time together. Cafés aim to decrease the social isolation that often accompanies dementia.

In early 2014, JF&CS launched the second memory café in Massachusetts. Several organizations expressed interest in the café model, and guests of the JF&CS Memory Café asked for more locations and meeting dates. To respond, JF&CS launched the Percolator Memory Café Network in October 2014. Since then, the Percolator has helped other organizations across Massachusetts, as well as individuals and organizations in other states and countries, to learn how to start and sustain their own café. In 2017, the JF&CS Percolator Memory Café Network received a Rosalinde Gilbert Innovations in Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiving Legacy Award for its impact in helping to make memory cafés more widely available. In 2022, the Percolator and Dementia Action Alliance won a Maude’s Award for their collaboration, “Living Well with Dementia at the Café.”

Join the Percolator Email List

You will receive an invitation to the Percolator Google Group, and information about our quarterly Idea Exchanges and other resources.

Memory Café Resource Links

Café Directory

Café Toolkits, Resource Guides, and Tip Sheets

Materials to promote Memory Cafés

Download and share the video files with your cable station:

Memory Café PSA - English

Memory Café PSA - Portuguese

Memory Café PSA - Spanish

Informational Videos

Resources for Virtual or Hybrid Memory Cafés

Archive of Percolator Quarterly Idea Exchanges

Percolator meetings are held quarterly in Waltham, Massachusetts and by Zoom/conference call. We began recording the meetings in June 2019.